Maher Jishi

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Maher Jishi Entrepreneur

Maher Jishi’s journey is a captivating story of perseverance and entrepreneurial drive. Born in a country outside the United States, Maher Jishi arrived in the U.S. in 1978 at the age of 19, carrying little more than ambition and a determination to succeed. His educational path began at New Hampshire College, where he laid the groundwork for a successful career in business. He then moved to Philadelphia to pursue his MBA at Temple University, achieving a significant milestone in his pursuit of the American dream.

Professional Endeavors

Following his MBA, Maher Jishi launched his professional career with Cigna, one of the largest insurance companies in the U.S. This role allowed him to gain valuable industry insights and establish his presence in the corporate world. However, his life took a significant turn in 1988 when his late father, risking a large portion of his retirement savings, decided to invest in the American dream by acquiring Jonathan’s Computer Centers in Marlton, New Jersey. This local computer retail business, with three branches spread across New Jersey, became the cornerstone of Maher’s career.

Under Maher’s leadership, Jonathan’s Computer Centers transformed from a retail store into a thriving corporate enterprise. He shifted the business focus from retail to a more specialized corporate service, catering primarily to the healthcare industry in the tri-state area. This pivot not only expanded the company’s reach but also solidified Maher Jishi’s reputation as a savvy business leader capable of adapting to changing market trends.

Dedication to Wellness

Maher Jishi’s impact extends far beyond the business realm. His dedication to health and fitness is evident in his commitment to working out at least five times a week, demonstrating the discipline and focus that have guided him throughout his life. His personal values are grounded in family, a trait that is reflected in the love and care he shows for his four children. Maher’s commitment to community engagement is also noteworthy; during his son’s time at Haddonfield Memorial High School, he donated 20 computers, allowing the school to establish a state-of-the-art computer lab.


At the heart of Maher’s story is a blend of business acumen, community involvement, and family devotion. His journey from a young immigrant to a successful business owner and philanthropist is an inspiring example of what can be achieved through ambition, dedication, and hard work. It also underscores the importance of giving back to the community and valuing the people who matter most in life.

Maher Jishi’s story serves as a beacon of hope for those who dream of making a difference. His success is not just measured by his business achievements, but also by his contributions to the community and the positive impact he has had on the lives of those around him. As Maher Jishi continues to grow and evolve, he remains a testament to the enduring power of resilience and the boundless opportunities that come with pursuing one’s dreams in the land of opportunity.

The Transition to Retirement: Making the Shift from Career to Personal Fulfillment

Retirement is a significant milestone in life, marking the transition from the structured routine of a career to the open-ended possibilities of personal fulfillment. While it’s an exciting time, retirement can also bring challenges as individuals navigate their new lifestyle. This transition requires careful planning, a positive outlook, and a willingness to explore new passions. While Maher Jishi will be approaching retirement in the next few years, he discusses below a few of the key challenges and opportunities that come with retirement and provide tips on finding personal fulfillment and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Loss of Routine

One of the most significant challenges retirees face is the loss of a structured daily routine. After years of waking up at a set time, commuting to work, and following a schedule, the freedom of retirement can feel disorienting. Without a clear plan, retirees might find themselves feeling aimless or lacking purpose.

Identity Crisis

Maher Jishi explains that for many people, their career is closely tied to their identity. Retirement can bring about an identity crisis as individuals grapple with questions like, “Who am I without my job?” or “What value do I bring to the world now?” This shift in identity can lead to feelings of uncertainty or even depression.

Financial Concerns

Retirement often comes with a fixed income, and managing finances can be a challenge. Retirees must ensure that their savings, pensions, and other sources of income are sufficient to support their lifestyle. The fear of outliving one’s savings can be a significant source of stress.

Pursuing New Passions

Retirement opens the door to exploring new hobbies and interests that may have been neglected during a busy career. Whether it’s painting, gardening, traveling, or learning a musical instrument, retirees have the freedom to pursue passions that bring joy and fulfillment.

Building Stronger Relationships

With more free time, retirees can focus on building stronger relationships with family and friends. This opportunity to reconnect can lead to deeper bonds and a more fulfilling social life. Grandparents can also play a more active role in their grandchildren’s lives, creating lasting memories.

Volunteering and Giving Back

Retirement offers the chance to give back to the community through volunteering. Maher Jishi says that whether it’s mentoring young professionals, working with charities, or contributing to local organizations, retirees can find a sense of purpose and fulfillment by making a positive impact on others.

Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle

With more time for self-care, retirees can focus on maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and stress management are essential for a fulfilling retirement. Joining fitness classes, taking daily walks, or practicing yoga are great ways to stay active and healthy.

Tips for a Successful Transition to Retirement

Plan Ahead

Preparation is key to a smooth transition to retirement. Start planning your retirement years before you leave the workforce. Consider your financial needs, create a budget, and outline your goals for retirement. This planning will provide a roadmap for the years ahead.

Find New Routines

Establishing new routines can help combat the feeling of aimlessness that sometimes accompanies retirement. Create a daily schedule that includes activities you enjoy, social engagements, and time for relaxation. Having a routine can bring a sense of stability and purpose to your day.

Stay Socially Connected

Maher Jishi notes that maintaining social connections is crucial for a fulfilling retirement. Join clubs or groups that align with your interests, participate in community events, and stay in touch with friends and family. Social interactions can help ward off feelings of loneliness and isolation.

Seek Professional Guidance

If you’re struggling with the transition to retirement, consider seeking professional guidance. Financial advisors can help you manage your retirement funds, while therapists or counselors can assist with emotional or identity-related challenges.


The transition to retirement is a significant life change, but with the right mindset and preparation, it can be a rewarding and fulfilling journey. By embracing new passions, building strong relationships, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, retirees can make the most of their newfound freedom. Remember, retirement is not an end—it’s the beginning of an exciting new chapter.
To learn more about Maher Jishi, and to find more articles on business, retirement planning and technology, follow along at his blog.